Double Trouble

One thing is for certain, our lives will never be the same. In a few short weeks we've gone from "Two Happiness" to "Double Trouble": The girls are at the age where they have 80 % mobility, 20 % coordination, and 0 % judgement; in other words, they are programmed for self-destruction. It keeps both of us very busy trying to keep up with them and keep them safe, and the "combat fatigue" is exhausting, but we love them both dearly and can no longer imagine our house with only one child, let alone without any at all.

Xinbao stuffing her face. Anything she doesn't like, she throws on the floor. This move is quite popular with the dogs.
Xinbei stuffing her face. After her her nose runs all over her face and it gets sticky, she hugs the dogs. This explains the periodic appearance of massive amounts of facial hair.
Our two little angels. Are their halos a bit crooked?
Oooooh, what happens if we push this button?

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