Hi... Here are some pictures of the modifications to the MediaMVP I made with the help of others
on the shspvr.com forum.
Here is the thread if you like to join in:
thread about adding SPDIF/TOSLINK port .
These pictures are of the inside. Note the white wire is connected to test point 60, the red to the output
of the voltage regulator and the black to a ground - in this case the tab of the voltage regulator. The
SPDIF/TOSLINK transmitter came out of a PC's drive bay adaptor. The type that brings all the USB and sound cables
to the front of a PC. I didn't find specifications for the SPDIF/TOSLINK transmitter, but assumed the +5 volts I found
at the output of the voltage regulator would be a good source of power as the drive bay adaptor was using the +V lead
of the USB cable.
Here's a picture of the rear of the unit. I used a dremmel and file to make the (near) square hole for
the SPDIF/TOSLINK connector.
I used a really cheap SPDIF/TOSLINK cable (sub $10), but can't see where even the bulky expensive ones wouldn't fit
next to the other cables.
I have been using Linux and the extracted "DONGLE.BIN" file to power my MediaMVP. Interestingly, I have noticed the
SPDIF/TOSLINK output of the MediaMVP using this software is capable of outputting different sampling rates. Here, I
am sending data from a MP3 which originated from a CD. You can see the amp has identified the signal as having a
frequency of 44.1KHz.
And here, I am sending the MediaMVP a video which originated on a ReplayTV Personal Video Recorder. Note the sampling
rate is now 48KHz.
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