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  News from the Courts . . .
A report on recent court decisions
Civil Decisions | Criminal Decisions

Civil Decisions
McMillian v. Monroe County, Ala. Sheriff Was Policymaker for State, Not County, for Purposes of Civil Rights Act Liability.
Printz v. United States Provisions of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act Requiring State Authorities to Assist Federal Authorities in Administering the Act Violate Principles of State Sovereignty.
Hernandez v. Pomona Police Had No Duty to Protect Cooperating Witness in a Criminal Investigation in the Absence of a Specific Undertaking to Protect the Witness.
Kneipp v. Tedder New Theory Adopted for Police Liability for Failure to Protect.
Lewis v. Sacramento County, Calif. "Deliberate Indifference" Standard Adopted for Liability in High Speed Pursuits.
Williams v. Denver Municipality Could Be Liable for Police Pursuit Accident, Even If Police Officer Had Good Faith Defense.
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Criminal Decisions
Washington v. Glucksberg Criminal Penalties for Assisted Suicide Do Not Offend Due Process Principles; Allowing Terminally Ill Person to Refuse Life Sustaining Medical Treatment Does Not Violate Equal Protection Principles.
Maryland v. Wilson Supreme Court Rules Police Can Require Passengers in Traffic Stops to Exit Vehicle; Court Adopts Rationale Urged in Amicus Curiae Brief Filed by LELP Publisher.
State v. Richards High Court Set to Review Search and Seizure Rules Again in Drug Cases.
Whren v. United States United States Supreme Court puts an end to the smoke screen issue of "pretext" traffic stops and arrests.
Ohio v. Robinette Traffic Detainee Need Not Be Advised That Traffic Stop is Over Before Police Officer Requests Consent to Search; Court Adopts Rationale Urged in Amicus Curiae Brief Filed by LELP Publisher.
Koon v. United States Rodney King case used as basis for determining propriety of downward departure by federal sentencing courts from federal sentencing guidelines; abuse-of-discretion standard adopted.
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This material is provided as an informational function and the publishers and editors do not purport to furnish legal advice or assistance. While a professional effort is being made to insure the accuracy of the contents, no warranty is expressed or implied.
Readers are admonished that the law sometimes differs between states and even between judicial districts within states. Readers should not exclusively rely on articles appearing on these web pages and should consult competent legal advice and other professional services in their own jurisdictions.