General Information

Both girls are active, energetic, and seem quite healthy. We expect that by the time we get to China to pick them up (maybe in October?), they will be about 20 months old, at which time they will probably be ready to find and get into everything in the house that isn't nailed down. We're not sure exactly when these pictures were taken, but the girls are probably a lot bigger by now.

Since the twins will probably be talking a fair amount by then, both Rosemary and Mike are now taking Conversational Mandarin classes. Wish us luck - it's not an easy language for American tongues to aquire, since not only are the vowels different from English, but many of the consonants are different from any European language.

We obviously have decided to keep the girls' Chinese names, changing only the family name (from Fu to Kenniston) and putting the family name last. (Ok, so technically their names will be Fu Xinbao and Fu Xinbei until we pick them up, but we want to get everyone used to the names they'll be using Stateside.) We're still trying to decide what to do about middle names.

We were able to find a couple pictures of the Chuzhou Welfare Institute, which is where they are currently living. Chuzhou is a small city in Anhui province, which is in eastern China near Nanjing, as shown on this zoomable map.

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