
For the next ten days, we lived with our new twin daughters out of suitcases, in hotel rooms in three different cities. We don't recommend pulling a stunt like this with two toddlers unless it's absolutely necessary, especially in a place where the tap water isn't safe to drink. We lived on room service and bottled water, but somehow we managed to get through this difficult period while all the visa and passport paperwork was completed. (For these few days, both China and the U.S. recognized the twins as our legal children, but they were still Chinese citizens and each needed a passport and a visa to enter the U.S.)

They kids really wanted to feed themselves. Some small fraction of the food even made it into their mouths.
This was the usual state of our hotel rooms - totally trashed. In one place we even got charged for damages. Have you ever tried to vacuum rice gruel off a carpet?
When you're short on sleep, you grab it whenever you can.
The kids attached to us both very quickly
Why is Mommy taking so long in the bathroom?
When all the paperwork was done, we had a celebration dinner. A family at last!

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