Home At Last

China was a wonderful place, everyone was very nice to us, and we'd love to go back there someday, but Dorothy was right: There's no place like home. Clicking our slippers didn't work, so we had to rely on United Airlines instead, and after about 30 hours of non-stop travel from Hong Kong to Naperville, it was a great relief to get back to our own house. The twins have adapted very quickly, and they seem to feel secure in our home.

Chow-time is always a popular event at our house. There must be some kind of small black hole inside each child, because they eat more food at every meal than could possibly fit into stomachs that size.
Happy camper Xinbao.
Happy camper Xinbei.
The girls are fascinated by nature, and they like to bring home leaves for further study.
Our two little pumpkins at Halloween.
We combined American tradition with their Chinese heritage by carving their names into their pumpkins. This is a Bao'O'Lantern and a Bei'O'Lantern.
If they're already drinking and driving, what will it be like when they get their licenses? Rosemary thinks these outfits make them look like Hell's Angels, so we call this one "Biker Chicks from China."
They are at the phase where they are compelled to experiment to find out what things fit inside what other things. Of course, this also applies to themselves.
They are so active, it's easy to forget how tiny they really are.

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